Monday, May 2, 2011

My Girls

This week has been a hard one on me. Personally, there's been a couple of things that's happened that really, really stinks. But I realized this weekend how much I truly missed my little girls. My neices, all six of them, are my world. I don't have any kids right now and I treat them all as if they were my own. I love them all so dearly and miss them so much.

No matter how bad a day is or how sad I am, all I gotta do is look through my many pictures of my wonderful little girls and instantly, I can feel my spirits lifted. My hope for my loves is that they grow up with lots of love in their hearts and for them to grow up strong and willful.

My beautiful Celeste. Perfect example of a big sister. So full of love and and caring for her little sisters. Her little heart is always so full of love and she radiates positivity all the time. I love her so much for her pure and joyous heart.

My NeeNee as I like to call her, always the competitive spirit. Always aiming for higher and never stopping until she achieves it. She loves looking out for her sisters too and is always overprotective of each of them. Her little heart is full of love but sometimes she doesn't like to show it. LOL.

Angel AKA JoJo, MoMo and even MoJo. Always the princess, always the "angel". LOL. She loves being a princess and loves having things her way, but at the end of the day, she is just as golden as the others. Her little heart radiates with love as she kisses each of her sisters lightly and holds her "maw-maw" and "paw-paw" dear to her heart. She loves them so much and is so sad when they're away. She's also so silly, always making faces in pictures. My how she's grown up...

My greatest love. My sweetest sweetheart has to go to my little Lia-Lia. Lover of Ni-Hao Kai Lan and with just the sweetest, highest voice ever. She is always a ball of sunshine. From the moment she wakes up, she's constantly running around and playing and laughing and always being a big help. Always all smiles and always full of "bounce". :D Saleah will always protect you and always take care of you. Its so sweet watching her tuck my mom, her "maw-maw" in and pulling the blanket over her and kissing her good night before she tucks in right next to her.

Sweet Jayda. LOL. Well, sweet when she wants to be. She's growing and learning. Learning to love, yet you can already see it in her eyes when she's around her most favoritist person in the world, her paw-paw, my dad. He's built such a connection with all these girls, even donning his own nickname for each. Jayda is his little birdie and boy does she fly to him when he's home. Such a beautiful smile and such a beautiful little girl.

Finally, #6, Autumn. She's only a few weeks old but is already developing her own little personality. She loves smiling and loves waking up and is already knowing her many sisters. Like most all of her sisters before, she's grown attached to Celeste and shares a bond that only they could ever know and understand. Such a cutie already and already showing love to everyone around her.

My sweet little loves brightens my heart each day. I miss them so much everytime I'm away from them and my heart literally flutters when I call home and hear my sweet little ones' voices. Celeste and Gwennie know my phone number now and thanks to Comcast, it displays on their tv when I call. I love it when I call and I hear, Hi Auntie Mai. So joyful and so sweet. :D I miss them so much everyday and can't wait to see them blossom into their own little persons to show the world.


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