Sunday, April 10, 2011

Niece #6 is here!

Hi All,

I got a very early morning text from my sister that my sister in law just gave birth to her sixth daughter late last night. Yes, my friend, you read that right. Number# 6 has finally arrived! I've been blessed with lots of nieces and three, now grown up nephews (tear, tear) and I love them all so dearly. Unfortunately, I do not have any babies of my own yet, but hope to accomplish that goal one day. Until then, I have my other "babies" as our entire family refers to them (the girls only, my nephews are well grown up, the youngest is 17 I believe. A SENIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL! My, how the years go by), although two of them are not babies anymore. Oh, and before I forget, I refer to them as numbers on here not just because it helps me remember them but because I don't know if my brother wants me to start giving out the names of his daughters online. yeah.

Anyway, I'm extremely ecstatic that my whole family's been blessed with another addition and can't wait to see her. I'm still waiting on pics from my sister of #6. I hear the rest of the babies are super excited as well. Yay! Can't wait to go down (I live about 3.5 hours and meet her.

Have a great day!

P.S. I remember right before the pregnancy was announced, I had said aloud to all my family (at my brother's wedding), "Aww, there needs to be a new baby soon because #5 is getting older now and she doesn't like being held anymore". And then that's when my sister in law told us she was pregnant again. :D


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